Bibliography 1.0: Can I escape the judgment of psychology?

da-vinci-the-selfI decided to make a list of the books I’ve recently read, browsed, or added to my reading list. This turned out to be a thought-provoking process. Although this may sound naïve, when I first imagined this blog, I didn’t anticipate that psychology would be such a major category in my bibliography. My main interest, after all, was the social and cultural history of the self. But of course the self is a subject of considerable interest to academic psychologists these days. The ‘psy’ disciplines – psychology, psychiatry, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis — have been incredibly influential in how we think of ourselves. That’s something I’m now beginning to appreciate more fully.

Recurring questions from my Chinese horoscope

The actual process of making the list was probably more valuable for me than the list itself. And the list may not be particularly valuable for anyone else, since I can’t recommend these books the way I recommended books on the history of self-help. That’s because I’m not sufficiently familiar with most of them. Plus, the categories turned out to be imprecise and unsatisfying: Should Jerrold Seigel’s The Idea of the Self: Thought and experience in Western Europe since the 17th century go under Self, Philosophy, or History?

One obvious question that comes up: What should I read next? What should I read sooner rather than later? That decision seems to assume I have some goal in mind. And I don’t have a goal. I’m not trying to accomplish something.

This immediately takes me back to the issues raised by my Chinese horoscope. Is it really OK simply to pursue my interests rather than accomplish something? Why does this always make me uneasy, somewhere in the back of my mind? What keeps me from seeing my life – as my Chinese horoscope recommends as my best option – as being on vacation, where these decisions wouldn’t matter?

Thinking about my Chinese horoscope also raises a question that keeps coming up for me: Can I escape those dictates of my culture that I believe are not in my interest? Is that too difficult a task? Perhaps what I’m dealing with here is a basic philosophical question: What is the good life? Is it possible to answer that question independent of cultural expectations?

Can I escape the judgment of psychology?

I’m just beginning the exploration of my subject matter. I’m asking questions like What really is my subject matter? What guides me in one direction rather than another? I sense two things going on. One is simply that I’m pursuing my curiosity. And I trust my instincts as sufficient to take me in an interesting and satisfying direction.

The other is that, on a deeper level, I’m looking for an answer to a question about my own life, my own self. It has something to do with being alive in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. I’m not sure I can formulate the question yet, which is OK. It has to do with feeling different – not wanting to follow the culturally sanctioned life course (marriage, family, career) that most people seem to want and enjoy.

I don’t feel that I’ve missed something, and I don’t wish I’d been more ‘normal.’ Maybe my question is: Is it possible to feel my life has been a good life when it’s not what most other people in my culture would want? How does cultural influence operate? Is it difficult to be aware of it? Would awareness be enough? Is it really a decision I get to make or am I just fooling myself? These are the same questions I’ve been asking myself for decades, hoping that the sociology of knowledge and its insight into the taken-for-granted would help me find answers.

To my mind, these are philosophical questions. However, our ability to understand our lives has been so infused with psychological explanations that it feels difficult to escape the judgment of psychology. Maybe that’s why I now want to read about the history of psychology. I want to know how I ended up living in a time when psychologists get to call the shots on the best way to live one’s life. Isn’t wondering what constitutes a good life a timeless question I’m entitled to ask? Has the influence of psychology been so powerful that the only question I’m allowed to ask is whether I’m living a “healthy” life, defined and implemented by an inescapably therapeutic culture?

Bibliography 1.0

Anyway, below is the list of books. I can’t possibly read them all in any reasonable amount of time. Each book worth reading will lead me to many more that I’ll want to add to my list.

Ah, well. It’s easy to take the first step on what will be a long journey. I plan to blog about what I’m reading, so I’ll have a record of what is, perhaps, an overly ambitious excursion.

I’m not really worried about the path I’ll take because my instincts have always been more reliable than my rationality. This is something I became more willing to accept after my Chinese horoscope explained why this would be true for me. Without a goal or a need to accomplish something, it doesn’t really matter which books I read first, as long as I’m enjoying the process. I guess that’s about as close as I’m going to get to living my life as if I’m on vacation. Perhaps that’s close enough.


Carrithers, Michael, Steven Collings, and Steven Lukes (eds) (1985) The Category of the Person: Anthropology, philosophy, history

LeVine, Robert A. (ed) (2010) Psychological Anthropology: A reader on self in culture

Lindholm, Charles (2007) Culture and Identity: The history, theory, and practice of psychological anthropology

Mathews, Gordon and Carolina Izquierdo (eds) (2009) Pursuits of Happiness: Well-being in anthropological perspective

Morris, Brian (1994) Anthropology of the Self: The individual in cultural perspective


Berman, Marshall (1970) The Politics of Authenticity: Radical individualism and the emergence of modern society

Guignon, Charles (2004) On Being Authentic

Lindholm, Charles (2008) Culture and Authenticity

Magill, R. Jay Jr (2012) Sincerity: How a moral ideal born five hundred years ago inspired religious wars, modern art, hipster chic, and the curious notion that we all have something to say (no matter how dull)

Peyre, Henri (1963) Literature and Sincerity

Potter, Andrew (2010) The Authenticity Hoax: How we get lost finding ourselves

Read, Herbert (1968) The Cult of Sincerity

Taylor, Charles (1991) The Ethics of Authenticity

Trilling, Lionel (1972) Sincerity and Authenticity

Childhood/Parenting/Developmental Psychology

Diller, Lawrence H. (2006) The Last Normal Child: Essays on the intersection of kids, culture, and psychiatric drugs

Henig, Robin Marantz and Samantha Henig (2012) Twentysomething: Why do young adults seem stuck?

Hulbert, Ann (2003) Raising America: Experts, parents, and a century of advice about children

Jay, Meg (2012) The Defining Decade: Why your twenties matter — and how to make the most of them now

Lareau, Annette (2003/2011) Unequal Childhoods: Class, Race, and Family Life

Levine, Madeline (2006) The Price of Privilege: How parental pressure and material advantage are creating a generation of disconnected and unhappy kids

Levine, Madeline (2012) Teach Your Children Well: Parenting for authentic success

Mintz, Steven (2004) Huck’s Raft: A history of American childhood

Nelson, Margaret K (2010) Parenting Out of Control: Anxious parents in uncertain times

Rochat, Philippe (2009) Others in Mind: Social origins of self-consciousness

Scott, Laura S. (2009) Two Is Enough: A couple’s guide to living childless by choice

Stearns, Peter N. (2003) Anxious Parents: A history of modern childrearing in America

Twenge, Jean M. (2006) Generation Me: Why today’s young Americans are more confident, assertive, entitled — and more miserable than ever before

Valenti, Jessica (2012) Why Have Kids: A new mom explores the truth about parenting and happiness


King, William Casey (2013) Ambition, a History: From vice to virtue

Kohn, Alfie (1992) No Contest: The case against competition: Why we lose in our race to win

Putnam, Robert D. (2000) Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community


Bor, Daniel (2012) The Ravenous Brain: How the new science of consciousness explains our insatiable search for meaning

Legrenzi, Paolo and Carlo Umiltà (2011) Neuromania: On the limits of brain science

Liu, JeeLoo and John Perry (eds) (2012) Consciousness and the Self: New essays

Noe, Alva (2009) Out of Our Heads: Why you are not your brain, and other lessons from the biology of consciousness

Rose, Nikolas and Joelle M. Abi-Rached (2013) Neuro: The new brain sciences and the management of the mind

Smithies, Declan and Daniel Stoljar (eds) (2012) Introspection and Consciousness

Thornton, Davi Johnson (2011) Brain Culture: Neuroscience and popular media

Tononi, Giulio (2012) Phi: A voyage from the brain to the soul

Critical Psychology

Fox, Dennis, Isaac Prilleltensky and Stephanie Austin (eds) (2009) Critical Psychology: An introduction

Hepburn, Alexa (2003) An Introduction to Critical Social Psychology

Holzkamp, Klaus (2013) Psychology from the Standpoint of the Subject: Selected writings of Klaus Holzkamp

Ibanez, Tomas and Lupicinio Iniguez Rueda (eds) (1997) Critical Social Psychology

Jacoby, Russell (1975/1997) Social Amnesia: A critique of contemporary psychology

Kagan, Jerome (2012) Psychology’s Ghosts: The crisis in the profession and the way back

Lyons, Antonia C. and Kerry Chamberlain (2006) Health Psychology: A critical introduction

Martin-Baro, Ignacio (1994) Writings for a Liberation Psychology

Murray, Michael (ed) (2004) Critical Health Psychology

Parker, Ian (1989/2013) The Crisis in Modern Social Psychology: How to end it

Parker, Ian (2007) Revolution in Psychology: Alienation to emancipation

Richardson, Frank C., Blaine J. Fowers, and Charles B. Guignon (1999) Re-envisioning Psychology: Moral dimensions of theory and practice

Sloan, Tod (1996) Damaged Life: The crisis of the modern psyche

Sloan, Tod (ed) (2000) Critical Psychology: Voices for change

Spears, Russell and Ian Parker (eds) (1996) Psychology and Society: Radical theory and practice

Teo, Thomas (2005) The Critique of Psychology: From Kant to postcolonial theory

Tolman, Charles W. (1994) Psychology, Society and Subjectivity: An introduction to German critical psychology

Tolman, Charles W. and Wolfgang Maiers (1991/2006) Critical Psychology: Contributions to an historical science of the subject

Walkerdine, Valerie (ed) (2002) Challenging Subjects: Critical psychology for a new millennium

Cross-cultural identities

Jen, Gish (2013) Tiger Writing: Art, culture, and the interdependent self

Kao, Henry S. R. and Durganand Sinha (ed) (1997) Asian Perspectives on Psychology

Keith, Kenneth D. (ed) (2011) Cross-cultural Psychology: Contemporary themes and perspectives

Kitanaka, Junko (2011) Depression in Japan: Psychiatric cures for a society in distress

Kleinman, Arthur and Byron Good (eds) (1986) Culture and Depression: Studies in the anthropology and cross-cultural psychiatry of affect and disorder

Heine, Steven J. (2011) Cultural Psychology

Mathews, Gordon (1996) What Makes Life Worth Living?: How Japanese and Americans make sense of their worlds

Mathews, Gordon (2000) Global Culture/Individual Identity: Searching for home in the cultural supermarket

Parker, Ian (2008) Japan in Analysis: Cultures of the unconscious

Prentice, Deborah A. and Dale T. Miller (eds) (1999) Cultural Divides: Understanding and overcoming group conflict

Schwartz, Seth J. (ed) (2013) Identity around the World: New directions for child and adolescent development

Sheikh, Anees A. and Katharina S. Sheikh (eds) (1996) Healing East and West: Ancient wisdom and modern psychology

Shiraev, Eric B. and David A. Levy (2012) Cross-Cultural Psychology: Critical thinking and contemporary applications

Watters, Ethan (2010) Crazy Like Us: The globalization of the American psyche


Dowbiggin, Ian (2005) A Concise History of Euthanasia: Life, death, god and medicine

Gray, John (2011) The Immortalization Commission: Science and the strange quest to cheat death

Green, James W. (2008) Beyond the Good Death: The anthropology of modern dying

Kellehear, Allan (2009) The Study of Dying: From autonomy to transformation

Kemp, Nick (2002) Merciful Release: The history of the British euthanasia movement

Lepore, Jill (2012) The Mansion of Happiness: A history of life and death

Seale, Clive (1998) Constructing Death: The sociology of dying and bereavement


Barcan, Ruth (2004) Nudity: A cultural anatomy

Bendelow, Gillian (2009) Health, Emotion and the Body

Bendelow, Gillian and Simon J. Williams (1998) The Lived Body: Sociological themes, embodied issues

Bordo, Susan (1993) Unbearable Weight: Feminism, Western culture, and the body

Gallagher, Catherine and Thomas Laqueur (eds) (1987) The Making of the Modern Body: Sexuality and society in the nineteenth century

Haiken, Elizabeth (1997) Venus Envy: A history of cosmetic surgery

Hepworth, Mike, Mike Featherstone and Bryan S. Turner (ed) (1991) The Body: Social process and cultural theory

Lupton, Deborah (1995) The Imperative of Health: Public health and the regulated body

Lupton, Deborah (1996) Food, the Body and the Self

Lupton, Deborah (2012) Medicine as Culture: Illness, disease and the body

Lupton, Deborah (2012) Fat

Orbach, Susie (2009) Bodies

Porter, Roy (2003) Flesh in the Age of Reason: The modern foundations of body and soul

Rhode, Deborah L. (2010) The Beauty Bias: The injustice of appearance in life and law

Shilling, Chris (2003) The Body and Social Theory

Shorter, Edward (1993) From the Mind into the Body: The cultural origins of psychosomatic symptoms

Thomas, Helen and Jamilah Ahmed (eds) (2004) Cultural Bodies: Ethnography and theory

Williams, Simon J. (2003) Medicine and the Body

Ziguras, Christopher (2003) Self-Care: Embodiment, personal autonomy and the shaping of health consciousness


Dixon, Thomas (2003) From Passions to Emotions: The creation of a secular psychological category

Giddens, Anthony (1992) The Transformation of Intimacy: Sexuality, love, and eroticism in modern societies

Gross, Daniel M. (2006) The Secret History of Emotion: From Aristotle’s rhetoric to modern brain science

Harre, Rom (1986) The Social Construction of Emotions

James, Veronica and Jonathan Gabe (eds) (1997) Health and the Sociology of Emotions

Kagan, Jerome (2009) What Is Emotion?: History, Measures, and Meanings

Kitayama, Shinobu and Hazel Rose Markus (1994) Emotion and Culture: Empirical studies of mutual influence

Lupton, Deborah (1998) The Emotional Self: A sociocultural exploration

Slater, Dan (2013) Life in the Time of Algorithms: What technology does to meeting and mating

Stearns, Peter (1994) American Cool: Constructing a twentieth-century emotional style

Stearns, Carol Z. and Peter N. Stearns (1988) Emotion and Social Change: Toward a new psychohistory

Toohey, Peter (2011) Boredom: A lively history

Williams, Simon J. (2001) Emotion and Social Theory: Corporeal reflections on the (ir)rational

Happiness/Positive Psychology

Bok, Derek (2010) The Politics of Happiness: What government can learn from the new research on well-being

Bruckner, Pascal (2011) Perpetual Euphoria: On the duty to be happy

Burkeman, Oliver (2012) The Antidote: Happiness for people who can’t stand positive thinking

Elliott, Carl (2003) Better than Well: American medicine meets the American dream

Elliott, Carl and Tod Chambers (eds) (2004) Prozac as a Way of Life

Giacalone, Robert A., Carole L. Jurkiewicz, and Craig Dunn (eds) (2005) Positive Psychology in Business Ethics and Corporate Responsibility


Berman, Marshall (1981) All that Is Solid Melts into Air: The experience of modernity

Ehrenreich, Barbara and Deirdre English (1978) For Her Own Good: 150 years of the experts’ advice to women

Elias, Norbert (1994) The Civilizing Process: The history of manners

Hacking, Ian (2002) Historical Ontology

Harvey, David (1990) The Condition of Postmodernity: An enquiry into the origins of cultural change

Lane, Christopher (2004) Hatred and Civility: The antisocial life in Victorian England

Melchior-Bennet, Sabine (1994) The Mirror: A history

Pendergrast, Mark (2003) Mirror Mirror: A history of the human love affair with reflection

Rodgers, Daniel T. (2011) The Age of Fracture

Showalter, Elaine (1997) Hystories: Hysterical epidemics and modern mania

Smith, Roger (2007) Being Human: Historical knowledge and the creation of human nature


Fiske, Susan T. and Hazel Rose Markus (eds) (2012) Facing Social Class: How societal rank influences interaction

Johnson, Allan G. (2001) Privilege, Power, and Difference


Cooper, Melinda (2008) Life as Surplus: Biotechnology and capitalism in the neoliberal era

Crouch, Colin (2011) The Strange Non-Death of Neoliberalism

Harvey, David (2005) A Brief History of Neoliberalism

Mooney, Gavin (2012) The Health of Nations: Towards a new political economy


Bechdel, Alison (2012) Are you my mother?: A comic drama

Becker, Dana (2013) One Nation under Stress: The trouble with stress as an idea

Heath, Joseph and Andrew Potter (2004) Nation of Rebels: Why counterculture became consumer culture

Michaels, F. S. (2011) Monoculture: How one story is changing everything

Scott, Susie (2009) Making Sense of Everyday Life

White, Kevin (2009) An Introduction to the Sociology of Health and Illness

Winterson, Jeanette (2012) Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal?


Benatar, David (2006) Better Never to Have Been: The harm of coming into existence

Ehrenberg, Alain (1998) The Weariness of the Self: Diagnosing the history of depression in the contemporary age

Evans, Jules (2012) Philosophy for Life and Other Dangerous Situations: Ancient Philosophy for Modern Problems

Gallagher, Shaun and Jonathan Shear (eds) (1999) Models of the Self

Gertler, Brie (2011) Self-Knowledge

Hacking, Ian (1995) Rewriting the Soul: Multiple personality and the science of memory

Hacking, Ian (1998) Mad Travelers: Reflections on the reality of transient mental illnesses

Hetherington, Stephen (2007) Self-knowledge: Beginning philosophy right here and now

MacIntyre, Alasdair (1980/2007) After Virtue: A study in moral theory

Parfit, Derek (1984) Reasons and Persons

Robinson, Daniel N. (1995) An intellectual History of Psychology

Siderits, Mark (2003) Personal Identity and Buddhist Philosophy: Empty persons

Siderits, Mark (2007) Buddhism as Philosophy: An introduction

Siderits, Mark, Evan Thompson, and Dan Zahavi (2011) Self, No Self?: Perspectives from analytical, phenomenological, and Indian traditions

Westerhoff, Jan (2011) Reality: A very short introduction

Williams, Bernard (1973) Problems of the Self: Philosophical papers 1956-1972


Double, D. B. (ed) (2006) Critical Psychiatry: The limits of madness

Emmons, Kimberly K. (2010) Black Dogs and Blue Words: Depression and gender in the age of self-care

Fancher, Robert T. (2003) Health and Suffering in America: The context and content of mental health care

Frances, Allen (2013) Saving Normal: An insider’s revolt against out-of-control psychiatric diagnosis, DSM-5, big pharma, and the medicalization of ordinary life

Greenfeld, Liah (2013) Mind, Modernity, Madness: The impact of culture on human experience

Grob, Gerald (1994) The Mad among Us: A history of the care of America’s mentally ill

Horwitz, Allan V. and Jerome C. Wakefield (2007) The Loss of Sadness: How psychiatry transformed normal sorrow into depressive disorder

Ingleby, David (ed) (1980/2004) Critical Psychiatry: The politics of mental health

Lane, Christopher (2007) Shyness: How normal behavior became a sickness

Lawlor, Clark (2012) From Melancholia to Prozac

Lunbeck, Elizabeth (1994) The Psychiatric Persuasion: Knowledge, gender, and power in modern America

Makari, George (2008) Revolution in Mind: The Creation of Psychoanalysis

Shorter, Edward (1997) The History of Psychiatry: From the age of the asylum to the age of Prozac

Staub, Michael E (2011) Madness Is Civilization: When the diagnosis was social, 1948-1980

Tone, Andrea (2009) The Age of Anxiety: A history of America’s turbulent affair with tranquilizers

Zaretsky, Eli (2004) Secrets of the Soul: A social and cultural history of psychoanalysis


Caplan, Eric (1998) Mind Games: American culture and the birth of psychotherapy

Craib, Ian (1994) The Importance of Disappointment

Cushman, Philip (1995) Constructing the Self, Constructing America: A cultural history of psychotherapy

Danziger, Kurt (1990) Constructing the Subject: Historical origins of psychological research

Danziger, Kurt (1997) Naming the Mind: How psychology found its language

Dowbiggin, Ian (2011) The Quest for Mental Health: A tale of science, medicine, scandal, sorrow, and mass society

Freedman, Jill and Gene Combs (1996) Narrative Therapy: The social construction of preferred realities

Furedi, Frank (2003) Therapy Culture: Cultivating vulnerability in an uncertain age

Gamson, Joshua (1998) Freaks Talk Back: Tabloid talk shows and sexual nonconformity

Garcia, Rodrigo (developer) (2011) In Treatment (season three)

Grogan, Jessica (2013) Encountering America: Humanistic psychology, sixties culture and the shaping of the modern self

Henriques, Julian, Cathy Urwin, Wendy Hollway, Couze Venn, and Valerie Walkerdine (1984) Changing the Subject: Psychology, social regulation and subjectivity

Herman, Ellen (1995) The Romance of American Psychology: Political culture in the age of experts

Hochschild, Arlie Russell (1983/2003) The Managed Heart: Commercialization of human feeling

Leary, Mark (2012) Understanding the Mysteries of Human Behavior (CD/DVD)

Moskowitz, Eva S. (2001) In Therapy We Trust: America’s obsession with self fulfillment

Nolan, James L. Jr (1998) The Therapeutic State: Justifying government at century’s end

Pfister, Joel and Nancy Schnog (eds) (1997) Inventing the Psychological: Toward a cultural history of emotional life in America

Rieff, Phillip (1966) The Triumph of the Therapeutic: Uses of faith after Freud

Schur, Edwin M. (1976) The Awareness Trap: Self-absorption instead of social change

Sommers, Christina Hoff and Sally Satel (2005) One Nation under Therapy: How the helping culture is eroding self-reliance

Vidal, Fernando (2011) The Sciences of the Soul: The early modern origins of psychology

Ward, Steven C. (2002) Modernizing the Mind: Psychological knowledge and the remaking of society


Aronowitz, Stanley (1988) Science as Power: Discourse and ideology in modern society

Canguilhem, Georges (1989) The Normal and the Pathological

Goldman, Steven L. (2006) Science Wars: What scientists know and how they know it (CD/DVD)

Jasanoff, Sheila (ed) (2004) States of Knowledge: The co-production of science and the social order

McCarthy, E. Doyle (1996) Knowledge as Culture: The new sociology of knowledge

Midgley, Mary (2010) The Solitary Self: Darwin and the selfish gene

Nagel, Thomas (2012) Mind and Cosmos: Why the materialist neo-Darwinian conception of nature is almost certainly false

Oyama, Susan (1985/2000) The Ontogeny of Information: Developmental systems and evolution

Oyama, Susan (2000) Evolution’s Eye: A systems view of the biology-culture divide

Proctor, Robert N. (2008) Agnotology: The making and unmaking of ignorance

Rose, Hilary and Steven Rose (2000) Alas, Poor Darwin: Arguments against evolutionary psychology

Rose, Hilary and Steven Rose (2012) Genes, Cells and Brains: The promethean promises of the new biology

Rose, Nikolas (2006) The Politics of Life Itself: Biomedicine, power, and subjectivity in the twenty-first century

Rose, Steven (1997) Lifelines: Biology beyond determinism


Bauman, Zygmunt (2004) Identity: Coversations With Benedetto Vecchi

Baumeister, Roy F. (1986) Identity: Cultural change and the struggle for self

Bellah, Robert N., Richard Madsen, William M. Sullivan and Ann Swidler (1985/2007) Habits of the Heart: Individualism and commitment in American life

Bird, Colin (1999) The Myth of Liberal Individualism

Callero, Peter (2013) The Myth of Individualism: How social forces shape our lives

Chowers, Eyal (2004) The Modern Self in the Labyrinth: Politics and the entrapment imagination

Clecak, Peter (1983) America’s Quest for the Ideal Self: Dissent and fulfillment in the 60’s and 70’s

Davis, Joseph E. (ed) (2000) Identity and Social Change

Doy, Gen (2004) Picturing the Self: Changing views of the subject in visual culture

Du Gey, Paul, Jessica Evans and Peter Redman (eds) (2000) Identity: A reader

Elliott, Anthony and Charles C. Lemert (2009) The New Individualism: The emotional costs of globalization

Finkelstein, Joanne (2007) The Art of Self Invention: Image and identity in popular visual culture

Gallagher, Shaun (ed) (2011) The Oxford Handbook of the Self

Gergen, Kenneth (1991) The Saturated Self: Dilemmas of identity in contemporary life

Giddens, Anthony (1991) Modernity and Self-Identity: Self and society in the late modern age

Glover, Jonathan (1988) I: The Philosophy and Psychology of Personal Identity

Grodin, Debra and Thomas Lindlof (eds) (1996) Constructing the Self in a Mediated World

Heller, Thomas C., David E. Wellbery and Morton Sosna (eds) (1986) Reconstructing Individualism: Autonomy, individuality, and the self in Western thought

Hewitt, John P. (1989) Dilemmas of the American Self

Hochschild, Arlie Russell (2012) The Outsourced Self: Intimate life in market times

Illouz, Eva (1997) Consuming the Romantic Utopia: Love and the cultural contradictions of capitalism

Illouz, Eva (2003) Oprah Winfrey and the Glamour of Misery

Illouz, Eva (2007) Cold Intimacies: The making of emotional capitalism

Illouz, Eva (2008) Saving the Modern Soul: Therapy, emotions, and the culture of self-help

Illouz, Eva (2012) Why Love Hurts: A sociological explanation

Imber, Jonathan B. (ed) (2004) Therapeutic Culture: Triumph and defeat

Hitt, Jack (2012) Bunch of Amateurs: A search for the American character

Hood, Bruce (2012) The Self Illusion: How the social brain creates identity

Leary, Mark (2004) The Curse of the Self: Self-awareness, egotism, and the quality of human life

Leary, Mark and June Price Tangney (2011) Handbook of Self and Identity

Lukes, Steven (1973/2006) Individualism

Martin, John Jeffries (2004) Myths of Renaissance Individualism

Meer, Zubin (2011) Individualism: The cultural logic of modernity

Morris, Colin (1972/1987) The Discovery of the Individual 1050-1200

Porter, Roy (ed) (1996/2002) Rewriting the Self: Histories from the Renaissance to the present

Rose, Nikolas (1999) Governing the Soul: The shaping of the private self

Rose, Nikolas (1998) Inventing Our Selves: Psychology, power, and personhood

Schrag, Calvin O. (1999) The Self after Postmodernity

Seigel, Jerrold (2005) The Idea of the Self: Thought and experience in Western Europe since the 17th century

Taylor, Charles (1989) Sources of the Self: The making of the modern identity

Thiel, Udo (2011) The Early Modern Subject: Self-consciousness and personal identity from Descartes to Hume

Turkle, Sherry (1995) Life on the Screen: Identity in the age of the internet

Turkle, Sherry (2011) Alone Together: Why we expect more from technology and less from each other

Wheelis, Allen (1958) The Quest for Identity


Ekrich, A. Roger (2005) At Day’s Close: Night in times past

Koslofsky, Craig (2011) Evening’s Empire: A history of the night in early modern Europe

Roennberg, Til (2012) Internal Time: Chronotypes, social jet lag, and why you’re so tired

Williams, Simon J. (2005) Sleep and Society: Sociological ventures into the (un)known

Williams, Simon J. (2011) The Politics of Sleep: Governing (un)consciousness in the late modern age

Wolf-Meyer, Matthew J. (2012) The Slumbering Masses: Sleep, medicine, and modern American life

Social Construction

Gergen, Kenneth (1999/2009) An Invitation to Social Construction

Hacking, Ian (1999) The Social Construction of What?

Yancy, George and Susan Hadley (eds) (2005) Narrative Identities: Psychologists engaged in self-construction

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Can we think outside our culture: My Chinese horoscope
The sociology of knowledge
The history of self-help: Some books to read
The joy of bibliographies

Image source: Rhythmus


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